Thursday, August 22, 2013

Another fantastic workout

Hi warriors
Please adjust the weights accordingly either lighter or heavier depending on your strength and technique.

I only upload workouts that I think are magic. So this one I've tried and tested and it blew me out the water..

Spend 10 minutes stretching and warming the:
- hips in squat pattern
- shoulders
- upper , mid , lower back

Workout PHASE 1.
Rest for 1 minute too 1minute 30
Between sets:

X15 at 60kg
X12 at 80kg
X10 at 100kg
X8 at 120kg
X5 at 130kg
X3 at 140kg
X2 at 145kg
X1 at 150kg
X1 at 155kg
X1 at 157 and half kg

Recover for 3 mins

Workout PHASE 2.


90kg on the bar

This workout is for time:

X25 deadlifts
X25 crossfit burpees
X20 deadlifts
X20 crossfit burpees
X15 deadlifts
X15 crossfit burpees
X10 deadlifts
X10 crossfit burpees
X5 deadlifts
X5 crossfit burpees

I completed it in 8:19 and I had to drop to sets of 5 in the 15/ rep deadlifts.

However I did complete all burpee sets unbroken

So next time I'd like a 7:50
And then drop to a 7:30

Give it a go and please comment on what weights you lifted and what your 1 rep was and then what your WOD time was?


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
