Hi Everyone.
Twenty Ten aye!
This is what i call the year of the "vaux" ha ha, what were you doing on the 1st day of this new decade?
Now most years we were probably nursing a hangover? am i right! ;) ?
Yet this year on jan 1st i awoke with a clear head... and hit the surf babbbby.....
however there was NONE!
So i laid at the beach chilling after a king of the mountain run and soaked up the sun in the coromandel until the ice cream man came along "awesome".
Christmas was fantastic as rach and I had our families over in New Zealand , Well hanh on let me set the scene!!!
Rach and i arrived back into New Zealand after being on the road for what seemed like forever after our asian trip and then our Muay Thai fight camp on the 18th dec.
My mother in-law (Rachaels mum) arrived on the 16th. mmmmm????? and with a good buddy of ours katie.
so we flew them down to queens town on the 17th so we could organize the house, beds,furniture etc: we hurried around packing the fridge scrubbing the decks! remember we left for our tour in the winter and came back in the summer so all the pines from the bush were every were!
Like the very manly man that i am ... i went about moving things with an axe and a beer IN MY LEFT HAND!
my little brother arrived on the 19th and mother in law and katie returned on the 20th followed by my mother and father on the 22nd!
my little bro and katie departed just after new year...
shhhhh dont say anything... but... the elders are still here!
and man they love to party!! im exhausted i need another holiday. ha ha ha.
We rented a beach batch and drove down and on arrival broke eggs as they fell out the car boot and then presided to either laugh , drink, eat or all 3.
Now of course there was a little training involved (gotta keep me abs people) and that was fine.
enjoy the very short happy new clip.
more to come.. im off to get me hair cut and work on my amazing tan....
(thats code for golf by the way)
LOL - I love the end of this video. "Who's Richard and Alison?" :)))