Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A chest work from max riley, i've tried it for around a month- along with several other plans

    Build Muscle
    Single Muscle Group
  •  Barbell, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines
  •  Male & Female

Workout Description

The high intensity chest blaster workout can be used for a 4 to 6 week cycle, or as a rut buster when you simply want to try something different. This routine is relatively brief (30 minutes), and can also be used on days in which you have a limited amount of time to workout.
In total, you will be performing 16 sets using 4 exercises - 2 compound movements and 2 isolation movements. Compound lifts will utilize strength and rest-pause training, and isolation lifts will focus on slower reps and the "mind-muscle" connection.
Compound Exercises. For the two compound lifts in this workout, pick a weight that allows you to knock out 8 to 12 reps before reaching failure. Start by performing an all-out set, stopping about one rep shy of failure. Rack the weight and rest exactly 45 seconds. Perform another set, again stopping one rep shy of failure.
Continue this pattern until you complete 5 total sets. Focus on brute strength, and getting the weight up with good form at all costs. These sets are all about man vs. mountain! You may be able to complete only a rep or two on the last several sets. Don't worry about this low volume. You are destroying your pecs with limited rest and heavy weight, and are after cumulative muscle stress and fatigue.
The best chest compound movements are the bench press, dumbbell bench press, dips, and appropriate variations. When you can perform 25 reps for all 5 sets, add weight.
Isolation Movements. For the two isolation lifts, concentrate on feeling the chest muscles work. Perform each rep with a 4 second concentric motion, and a 4 to 6 second eccentric (negative) motion. Squeeze each contraction and make your pecs work! Rest about 2 minutes between each set. Perform about 6 to 8 reps for isolation movements, and no more then 10 reps per set.
The best chest isolation movements are flyes, pec dec, or cable crossovers. It doesn't matter which exercises you use. Pick 2 isolation movements you enjoy, and hammer your chest! When you can perform 10 reps with an isolation movement, add weight.

High Intensity Chest Blaster
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 5 Rest-pause 45 Seconds
Pec Dec 2-3 Slow 4-6 Cadence
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 5 Rest-pause 45 Seconds
Cable Crossovers 2-3 Slow 4-6 Cadence

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